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Kenya Nairobi

Kenya is a country in East Africa with coastline on the Indian Ocean.
 It encompasses savannah, lakelands, the dramatic Great Rift Valley and mountain highlands.
 It's also home to wildlife like lions, elephants and rhinos.
It also has a young, ambitious, and well-educated workforce eager to contribute to the development of the country.

Kenya has 5 international Airports
All visitors are required to obtain an e-visa before departing for Kenya.
Tourist centers in Kenya;
- Kisumu
- Nairobi
- Nakuru

Exciting Facts about Kenya;
Kenya has 50 national parks and reserves.
The Great Rift Valley was formed more than 25 million years ago.
There are over 60 languages spoken in Kenya.
The first woman to win a Nobel Peace Prize was from Kenya.
Mount Kenya is the second-highest mountain in Africa.
Kenya's national animal is the East African Lion.

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